
A collection of my preferred B&W pictures from various artists

Posted by Publish by Alan Delmas

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Posted by Publish by Alan Delmas

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Posted by Publish by Alan Delmas

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Posted by Publish by Alan Delmas

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This was my first attempt painting with the air-brush with photoshop, It took me around a month
to complete it. There are still some imperfections around her face and her waist but I couldn't
be bothered fixing them :)

Posted by Publish by Alan Delmas

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This is a render of my last project in Architecture, It's a Engineering precinct at the university
of Queensland. Still need to fix some bugs here and there but and and more stuff.

Posted by Publish by Alan Delmas

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Posted by Publish by Alan Delmas

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This thread is the beginning of a new series of travel destinations that I would love
to visit one day. The first destination I've selected is a long time favourite island called
Lord How Island located in the Tasman Sea 600 kilometres (370 mi) East of the
Australian mainland. Lord Howe Island is music for the soul, a place to revitalise and
At any one time, you’re one of only 400 visitors on Lord Howe, an island of unspoilt
beauty where life is relaxed and unhurried. With bicycles the best way to get around
and no mobile phone reception, there’s plenty of time to relax and attune yourself to
the idyllic surroundings.
World Heritage listed for its remarkable geology and its rare collection of birds, plants
and marine life, Lord Howe is surrounded by the world’s southernmost coral reef.
Crystal clear waters teem with marine life and rare coral, protected as part of the Lord
Howe Island Marine Park.

Posted by Publish by Alan Delmas

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So I've finally decided to upload my pictures from deviantart to flickr, I really love the
sharpness of the pictures and the quality displayon that site, enjoy! :)

Posted by Publish by Alan Delmas

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Posted by Publish by Alan Delmas

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Je me souviens de mon premier souvernir comme si c'était hier,
j'avais seulement trois ans, on fesait une traverse entre Caraballeda et l'archipel de Los
Roques (Venezuela) dans un petit voilié de 13 metres, il était tôt le matin, juste au levait
du soleil, l'air était frais et pure, je me rappel du craquement des meubles en bois a
l'intérieur de voilier, j'avais peur que le bateau casse mais il n'y avait pas de danger car
le il était fait en alu, mais ça je l'ignorait. je me rappel aussi d'un drôle de posions avec
de grandes ailes qui fessait de long sauts hors de l'eau et sembler nous accompagner
au cours de notre traversée. Le levait du soleil était magnifique, j'avais l'impression que
le monde se réveillé, c'est peut être pour cette raison que j'assimile ce moment comme
le début de ma vie. Il y avait également au loin un faisceau lumineux qui sembler
chercher quelque chose et qui tournait sans cesse, je pouvait sentir l'excitement de me
parents, il faut ce diriger vers lui!

Posted by Publish by Alan Delmas

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Posted by Publish by Alan Delmas

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